canon收購canon cameras can now automatically upload your pictures to Google Photos
canon收購canon cameras can now automatically upload your pictures to Google Photos
But you need a Google One membership
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Google are making it easier to move images from your camera to Google Photos. Owners of recent
canon收購canon cameras can now automatically upload photos and videos to the popular photo management platform by wirelessly slinging them via your phone.
This auto-backup to Google Photos feature works with both the iOS and Android versions of the image.
canon收購canon app, but you’ve got to make sure your camera is compatible. If it is, just make sure you’ve got the latest image.
canon收購canon app update installed and you’ll see the new option for transferring photos to Google Photos. After activating the new feature in
canon收購canon’s app, future photos and videos will be sent automatically to Google’s photo storage platform. You don’t have to worry about losing any quality from your shots, either: all images are synced to Google Photos at their original quality.
In February,
canon收購canon launched its own version of a cloud backup service, image.
canon收購canon, which similarly allows
canon收購canon cameras to seamlessly back up photos over Wi-Fi. From image.
canon收購canon, users have the option of automatically transferring their images and videos to other places, such as Google Drive or YouTube (for uploaded videos), and now Google Photos has been added to that list.
Your photos go to
canon收購canon’s cloud backup service, too
But there is one asterisk here that might irk some people: a Google One membership is required to transfer your photos this way. Google is offering
canon收購canon customers a one-month trial to Google One (with 100GB of storage) to help ease them into the service. Once the trial is up, Google One plans start at $2 per month for 100GB of storage.
Earlier this month,
canon收購canon temporarily suspended image.
canon收購canon after some stored photos and videos went missing. So far — knock on wood — Google Photos hasn’t encountered any such issues.
Update, 6:43 PM ET: Clarified that technically, these images aren’t being sent directly from your camera to the cloud — they’re being routed through your phone.
canon收購canon 新一代入門無反相機 EOS R8。(圖/翻攝自
canon收購canon 官網)
canon收購canon EOS R8 全片幅無反光鏡相機今日正式上市,為
canon收購canon 旗下最經濟型機種,為 EOS RP 後繼機種,可為首次購買全片幅相機的攝影愛好者及內容創作者提供卓越性能,號稱同價位機型當中最強規格的無反相機。
canon收購canon 正式推出全新全片幅無反光鏡相機 EOS R8,該相機以輕量化機身和先進的功能吸引攝影愛好者和內容創作者,機身僅重 461 克,具備 2,420 萬像素全片幅 CMOS 影像感測器,並提供 6K 超取樣 4K 60p、FHD 180p 錄影功能以及
canon收購canon Log 3。此外,該相機還配備電子快門,最高可達 40 FPS 連拍。
對於創作者而言,EOS R8 具有無與倫比的錄影和拍照功能,可利用 6K RGB 素材超取樣的無裁切 4K UHD 60p 錄影功能來創作,實現高畫質和細緻的短片表現。而且,EOS R8 可連續拍攝 30 分鐘或以上的無裁切 4K UHD(6K超取樣)60p 短片。
為了滿足各種拍攝需求,EOS R8 支援 8-bit 及 YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit 短片選項、
canon收購canon Log 3 和 HDR PQ。10-bit HDR PQ 能在無需後期調色的情況下錄製高亮度、豐富層次和廣色域的短片。此外,EOS R8 還具有偽色顯示、斑馬紋顯示、呼吸效應補償功能以及 5 軸防震的短片數位 IS。
▲ EOS R8 。(圖/翻攝自
canon收購canon 官網)
在設計方面,EOS R8 的按鈕重新設計,以提高拍攝操作性。機身左肩加入相片/短片模式切換開關,方便快速轉換拍攝模式。此外,視覺指南可以幫助新手輕鬆掌握相機的功能和設定。
該相機配備了高精度電子觀景器,提供 0.39 吋 236 萬點 0.7 倍 OLED 顯示,最高可達 120FPS。此外,還具有多角度觸控螢幕和防塵防水滴設計,使攝影過程更加便捷與靈活。
canon收購canon EOS R8 以其輕巧的機身、卓越的性能和專業功能成為攝影愛好者和內容創作者的理想選擇,配有光學影像穩定器的 RF/RF-S 鏡頭與 EOS R8 的數位防震功能相結合,可實現更穩定流暢的影片效果。此外,OVF 模擬顯示輔助功能通過HDR技術提供更自然的高光和暗部漸變,重現傳統單眼相機光學觀景窗畫面。
高度靈活的 3 吋 162 萬點多角度 Clear View II LCD 觸控螢幕,讓攝影師能夠在高、低角度或繞過障礙物拍攝時尋找新的視角。此外,EOS R8 採用輕巧鎂合金機架加強耐用度,防塵防水滴設計則有助於防止灰塵和水滴滲入相機,目前已知
canon收購canon EOS R8 在台售價為 43,900 元,搭配 RF24-50mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM 鏡頭的 KIT 組合則是為 49,900 元。